Good day!
It has started to became colder as the Christmas season approaches!
As for the month of November, there has been days that we can’t go outside and play. But even so, the kids still found ways enjoy doing fun activities inside the nursery.
Like singing Warabeuta, where the children can sing and participate together with the old Japanese music rhymes. It’s a fun way to encourage children to socialize and cooperate with each other.
Creating art, building blocks, doing puzzle and more keep the children busy on the rainy days.
When the weather is good, the children get to play at the park, take a long walk and witness the seasonal changes in our surrounding
We are also able to take a picture with the fire truck and actually get to ride in it! One by one, the children get to experience getting on a fire truck.
The children cannot contain their excitement!
It was sure a very fun day!
And as for our English lesson, we had the recap of Red light, Green Light as for November lesson. We also incorporate the previous lesson like colors.
Again, Red means Stop! Green means Go!
Everyone sat still and had a curious expression on their faces!
They are so focused and are a very good listeners!
We hope that you stay warm and cozy for the coming merry season
Hope to see you again on next blog!