Good day!

Today, we repeated our lesson for the last time for this month. For recap, it is about the animal sounds, action verb and the monthly song Itsy-bitsy Spider. We are glad to see that the children are interacting more to our lesson each week.

As we can see in the picture, they started to mimic more and are getting familiar with the lesson drill. The children also started understanding some simple command in English like sit down, hands up, touch and some other more.

After the lesson, we had water play at the nursery were the children play with the buckets and pale. We also gave them some ice cubes to play with. The children are happily sharing the ice cubes with each other encouraging their growth on their social skills. Water play is also a good way to relieve the heat on hotter days.

The ice was really cold to the touch for young children and since it was a rather new sensation to them, the children hesitated to play with at first. But playing with it was fun after all!

We also had a short walk after the water play. We were able to see some cats and dogs at a pet shop. Naturally, the dogs are excited to see the visitors and so does the children! The children are so happily staring at the dogs while uttering word sounds like and trying to interact with the animals.

The curious faces they made at first seeing the animals was really cute!

It was a hot day, and it seems that the rainy days are coming to an end and hotter days are just around the corner. It means, festival and more fun activities are awaiting!

See you on our next lesson! Have a great weekend!