Just like the any other rainy days we had at Hagukumi, we spent our time inside the garden and we all know that music, singing and dancing in English are one of the fun activities that we could share to our little learners. They love to move around and make some noise . It is part of a children’s process of growing up and learning what their bodies can do like walking, running, hopping, laying down and jumping, touch your head, turn around, swing your arms, shake your hips. We carefully choose dance music with instructions so that by listening and watching to it, they can understand the language, communication skills and English vocabulary.

Research also shows that exposure to music and movement instruction helps to improve children’s memory , cognitive development, learning skills and expressive ability. Try to put some music with your kids on your bonding time too. It will be one of the good memory that they will keep even as they grow up.

These are the short video clips that we had today: