We are so happy to present to you this years English Classes of Hagukumi Hoikuen. We’ve been waiting for these days to come as we teach our babies and toddlers by speaking to them and teach them their future second language . For Tulip Class, around this age is when we can start introducing them to colors. It is important for them to start hearing words often in order to remember it. Even though they probably won’t be able to fully understand and retain the concept of colors until 18 months, it is good to start teaching it early on. As part of their activity, we prepare a ball pit with different colors of balls. One of the best way to teach them is by playing with them and they are so happy.
Sumire Class was very good in imitating what we say and do. Most of them are really into repeating the words that you say in Japanese and English. We teach them the basic colors and probably they already heard it since they were in Tulip class. As part of their activity, we prepare a dot marker print for them to recognize the colors and since they still learning putting stickers we gave them dot stickers .
Sakura Class was remembering the colors because they knew this a lot of times . We prepare color matching (putting the red piece on the red spot)which is one of the simplest forms of learning colors in the beginning .
We hope you enjoy our photos here in English Class . We look forward to do more exciting lessons every week with our little learners.